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Request a monthly amount of leads which come through our site. Unlike those "other guys" who sell their leads to 3 people, we'll send leads directly and exclusively to you. Custom packages available, email [email protected] for more details.

Be a Featured Advisor on Local Advisor Listings

Choose which cities you'd like to be featured in and receive leads which come through in your location.

View example local advisor listing here

Get Featured in Articles of Your Choice

Be the featured advisor in articles of your choice and receive leads which come through those articles.

View an example article here

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Have a premium bio made, featuring your journey, specialization, media mentions & more. Go and check one out yourself.

Meet Taylor Kovar, CFP®

Get Quoted by Top-Tier Media Publications

Leverage our extensive publication network to be quoted by top-tier media outlets. Custom packages available depending on the number of guaranteed media mentions and advisors. View a recent Forbes article here.


Contribute Articles to Finance Strategists and Our Media Partners

Have your name in the byline of articles contributed on Finance Strategists and our media partners. View a recent Nasdaq article here.

For pricing and other inquiries, please email [email protected]

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Have a copy made of our downloadable guides with your brands colors and logo.


Hire Our Award-Winning Digital Marketing Team Directly

Get custom digital marketing solutions from the team that brought you Finance Strategists. Email [email protected] to see how we can help.